Racism and xenophobia

If you encounter such content online and believe it to be potentially illegal, it is important to report it, you can do so through our reporting portal. Hotline.ie will use all reasonable efforts to remove this online content, and will also notify to An Garda Síochána if it is assessed and found likely to be in breach of Irish law.

If you are in immediate danger call 999/112.

Hotline.ie assesses reports of suspected racism and xenophobia under the Prohibition of Incitement to Hatred Act, 1989. Under the Act it is an offence to –

  1. publish or distribute written material
  2. publish or distribute written material –
    1. In any place other than inside a private residence, or
    2. Inside a private residence so that the words, behaviour or material are heard or seen by persons outside the residence,


  3. distribute, show or play a recording of visual images or sounds, if the written material, words, behaviour, visual images or sounds, as the case may be, are threatening, abusive or insulting and are intended or, having regard to all the circumstances, are likely to stir up hatred.

There are, however, future plans to legislate for Hate Crime.

Hate Crime

A hate crime is any criminal offence which is perceived, by the victim or any other person to, in whole or in part, be motivated by hostility or prejudice, based on actual or perceived age, disability, race, colour, nationality, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation or gender.

If you have been a victim or witness to a hate crime/incident you can report to An Garda Síochána through their online form. However, if it is an emergency situation or you believe that you are in danger call 999/112.

If you require more information about hate crime you can contact the Garda National Diversity & Integration Unit.


If you have been subjected to racist incident you can submit a report to the Irish Network Against Racism (INAR) using their iReport service. INAR is a national network of about 160 anti-racism civil society organisations that aim to highlight and address racism in Ireland through the promotion and monitoring of trends and anti-racist initiatives. By submitting a report to them your incident will be documented and contribute to vital evidence gathering that can be used to inform Irish society on racism. If you believe the incident was a hate crime you can submit a report to the Gardaí through their report form.

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