Images, video, text, non-photographic child sexual abuse content etc
Activities relating to online child sexual exploitation e.g. child grooming
Intimate images and videos shared without the person's consent
Purporting to be Irish financial services or have Irish contact details or appears to have originated from Ireland
The web-reporting forms are setup, by design, to anonymous reporting, except for when submitting an intimate image abuse (IIA) report.
To make an IIA report you will be asked to provide your email address. If you do not wish to use your regular email address, you may consider creating a new email address so you can communicate with us safely. For further information please read our IIA FAQs.
For all other types of content within remit, if you wish to receive a report acknowledgement or be contacted about your query, you will have to manually opt to make a non-anonymous report and include contact details before the report submission step. By making a non-anonymous report, thus providing personal information to us, you fully understand and clearly consent to us using and storing it as set out in our Privacy Statement.
Generally, reports sent through our web form are processed more quickly. If, however, this is unsuitable, there are alternative methods to contact us.
If you wish to submit a report by phone please note that this is an answering machine service.
Please do not send any images by text as this could constitute a criminal offence under Irish law.
Please only use if you find the web-reporting form(s) unsuitable to you.
You can complete and send the Membership Application Form or contact us by email at
Please contact us by email at and we will be in touch with you as soon as possible.
For any other non-report related enquiries please contact us at
25 Sandyford Office Park
Blackthorn Avenue
D18 W8KK
Hours of operation 9:00-16:30 (IRL time).
We do not take reports of suspected illegal content over the phone. If you wish to make a report click here, if necessary you can include your phone number with your submission.