Help us stop repeat victimisation by reporting.

What to Report

Child sexual abuse material

Images, video, text, non-photographic child sexual abuse content etc

Child sexual exploitation

Activities relating to online child sexual exploitation e.g. child grooming

Intimate image abuse

Intimate images and videos shared without the person's consent

Racism and xenophobia

Financial scams

Purporting to be Irish financial services or have Irish contact details or appears to have originated from Ireland

Irish national centre combatting illegal content online

Since our inception in 1999, has been working to reduce the prevalence of illegal content online whilst breaking the cycle of abuse, exploitation and contribute to the prevention of repeat-victimisation.’s work specifically relates to illegal online content:

  • online child sexual abuse material
  • activities relating to online child sexual exploitation
  • intimate image abuse (intimate images and videos shared online without the person’s consent)

You can securely, confidentially and anonymously report suspected illegal content encountered online to

Each report we receive is assessed by our world-class Analysts against rigorous standards and by reference to Irish law. When content is classified as contrary to Irish law, action will be taken. is here to help

Your report matters and it can make a world of difference.

Where there is an immediate safety risk or you become aware of one, call 112 or 999. Remember when calling 112 or 999, ‘stay calm, stay focused and stay on the line’.

Contact your local Garda station or the free Garda Confidential Line 1800 666 111 if your report relates to any of the issues below:

If you suspect to have come across sexual images or videos of under 18s online, even if you are in doubt about someone’s age, you should always report it. For child sexual abuse imagery to exist online a crime has been committed in real life, a child has been sexually exploited and often actually raped. There is nothing virtual about their suffering. is also a founding member of INHOPE. We work in very close collaboration with law enforcement, 46 other hotlines worldwide, national and international partners, to have child sexual abuse material removed irrespective of where in the world it may be hosted, and to ensure the children in the imagery may be identified and safeguarded. specifically combats illegal content online, however we know that people often experience a number of other issues and difficulties online that we unfortunately cannot help with.

If your report does not relate to:
(i) online child sexual abuse material; (ii) online child sexual exploitation; (iii) intimate images shared online without the person’s consent; (iv) racism and xenophobia; or (v) financial scams purporting to be Irish financial services or have Irish contact details or appear to have originated from Ireland here is a list of other useful resources to help you in your search for more information. The list includes both national and international resources and organisations across a wide range of issues.

Hotline is the Irish national reporting centre where members of the public can securely, anonymously, and confidentially report concerns in respect of illegal content online, especially child sexual abuse material (CSAM). The removal of child sexual abuse images and videos from the Internet is the core of our work.

Complaints procedure

If you’d like to make a general complaint about our service delivery including the behaviour of our staff please visit this section.

Our members membership is suitable to any online service provider. Do the right thing and join our members in creating a Safer Internet for children and for all.

What to report

For full details on which online content you should report to, please visit this section.

Our Members